Welcome to NOFA-NJ

NOFA NJ Fundraiser at Sault Haus Meditation Center

NOFA NJ Fundraiser at Sault Haus Meditation Center

Visit Salt Haus in Hopewell, NJ for their Open House event and raise funds for NOFA NJ (details below)! www.saulthaus.com

Where: 155 Hopewell-Princeton Rd, Hopewell NJ 08525

When: Saturday, April 12, any time between 2-6 pm. 

+ a purifying effect on the respiratory system
+ reduced stress and improved mood thanks to the negative ions released by the salt
+ a boost for the body’s natural ability to fight off infections and inflammation
+ improved skin conditions

+ connection to your community by supporting a common cause!

Bring a blanket and stay as long as you need to. Older kiddos are welcome – we are aiming for a quiet relaxing time 🙂

We ask that you make a donation when you attend by Venmo or credit card to help NOFA-NJ continue their mission.

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