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Operation Diversification: Compost Solutions for Soil Restoration Webinar

Operation Diversification: Compost Solutions for Soil Restoration Webinar


WHAT- NOFA-NJ Operation Diversification Farm Stewardship Webinar Series #3 presenting

Compost Solutions for Soil Restoration – Troy Hinke from Living Roots  joined by Virginia Lamb from Ground Work and Eileen Banyra from Community Compost for interactive  Q&A with participants

WHEN -Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, August  20, @12:30

WHERE- ZOOM Meeting Space (pre-registration required christina@360earthworks.com )

HOW- 90 minutes 50:50 time share with instructor’s presentation & answering participants questions

WHY-Operation Diversification, funded by a Highlands Council Sustainable Agriculture grant, is a farm stewardship trial on Provenance Farm that aims to reduce the risk of trialing old/new practices to increase farm viability. For more information on the project:


Troy began his career with soils and compost at Rodale Institute in Kutztown, PA. Serving as Rodale’s Compost Research Specialist, Troy worked side-by-side with Dr. Elaine Ingham, founder of Soil Foodweb Inc. . There he performed experiments with compost and liquid compost amendments on both large and small-scale agricultural production along with focusing on large-scale, food scrap composting. Troy currently resides in eastern Pennsylvania and also works as an organic Certification Specialist. More on Troy: https://www.livingrootscomposttea.com/

Since Troy’s May visit  to Provenance Farm to assess the condition of the soil in fields with various levels of disturbance and organic matter, the subsequent soil sampling for biology confirmed the necessity to trial bio-complete liquid compost to accelerate restoration. The presence of beneficial nematodes in the project’s surplus of salvaged horse manure gave it the green light for multi species edible cover crop and to learn more about the production of liquid compost applications that went on single and multi species cover crop rows with high bacteria and low to no aggregation.

We have this rare opportunity to invite all to learn more about soil, plants, animals, and the profits to be had from understanding more about their interdependence. Please join us in the much-needed conversation of regenerative conversions especially for the small farm context.

Bring your questions, no matter how simple or complex. This webinar is one part presentation and equal amount Q&A  as  a collaborative space where we can investigate symptoms and co-create solutions for the future. Your active participation is not just welcomed; it’s crucial as we all learn to increase Farm Viability in New Jersey from these trials.

For pre-registration and more information, please email Project Coordinator:

Christina Chrobokowa : christina@360earthworks.com



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