NJ Wildlife Management Area Land Access: a Collaboration State & Regional Partners Supporting Historically Underserved Producers to Grow Organic Grain with Land, Growing, Market & Capital Assistance. NOFA NJ will support and coordinate a collaboration of more than 20 state & regional partners to support producers in growing Organic grain and indigenous crops with technical assistance around production, accessing markets & accessing capital.
Our primary focus is to create a comprehensive New Jersey land access demonstration pilot supported by statewide community outreach, business planning, organic growing education, technical assistance on crop selection, seed purchase and growing, land stewardship and leasing, capital access, equipment, and marketing and market access support to create community and collaborations with an established regional network in PA, VA, MD, NY and NJ. Our five year proposal includes two NJ State departments (Environmental Protection and Agriculture), two Land Grant Universities, five NJ non-profits and New Jersey organic grain producers.