Veterans, Farmers, Local Food & Community

Perfect weather and well-managed acreage set the backdrop for VFNJ’s inaugural annual event, the Veteran Farmer Rally Day, held at Fairgrown Farm in Hopewell on Saturday, June 15. More than 50 Veterans and their families attended to connect with the community and show support for this budding initiative.
The day’s activities included a farm tour led by Aaron Totten-Lancaster, Fairgrown Farm’s Farm Manager, a farm-to-table BBQ dinner catered by Veteran Farmer Kyle Smith of Smith Poultry Farm, and live music provided by Tony & The Trees. VFNJ Coordinator honored fellow Veteran and FSA NJ Executive Director, Bob Andrzejczak, with a recognition for his service to NJ agriculture. Additionally, NJ 101.5 radio host and VFNJ supporter Bill Spadea was on hand to discuss NJ Organic farming, VFNJ, and present comments to the crowd.
Fairgrown Farm is a CSA and Market Farm operating on two sites in Mercer County, NJ. Fairgrown produces a variety of mixed organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers, and they also aggregate product from fellow producers, focusing on small and underserved operation and engaging in food security programs to help feed neighbors in need.
The VFNJ Rally Day was held on the historic Watershed Farm, which Fairgrown Farm leases from the Watershed Institute. Owners (and siblings) James and Alex Klett have worked to restore land and infrastructure at the site and have renewed the farm’s Organic Certification. This property was the the former home of New Jersey’s largest CSA, Honey Brook Organic Farm, as well as the birthplace of NOFA NJ in 1984. Read more about the history behind the Watershed Farm HERE.
NOFA NJ is proud to support VFNJ and provide administrative, logistical, and grant support services to continue engaging NJ Veterans interested in agriculture. This event was supported with funding from a Farm Credit East AgEnhancement Grant, awarded to NOFA NJ in 2024, as well as funding from the USDA Transition to Organic Partnerships Program. To learn more and get involved with VFNJ, head to the Veteran Farmers of New Jersey program page.
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